Wednesday 19 October 2016

Success for Boys Website- Story Starters

Success for Boys is about taking steps to ensure all boys are engaged and achieving in their learning. The Ministry of Education is focused on lifting the engagement and achievement of all young people. This site is designed to help you as school leaders and teachers to look at the teaching-learning relationships with boys in your classrooms, create supportive learning environments for boys, and access a range of approaches and tools to address the diverse learning needs of boys so they achieve to their full potential.

Story Starters is a video resource aimed at engaging boys and inspiring them to write. It has been developed for boys in years 5 to 8, using boys of that age to help create the material. Its main purpose is to kick-start boys’ engagement with writing and be part of a range of tools teachers use to reduce the number of boys who are disengaged or not achieving to their potential in writing.
The opening sentences from the role models were taken to schools in Wellington, with groups of boys in years 5 to 8 developing them into stories. The boys provided a huge range of creative, descriptive, inventive and funny ideas, which a scriptwriter took and crafted into eight stories. These stories were developed into fast-paced, modern and entertaining animated videos.